Friday, March 23, 2012

Alaska Oil Drilling DBQ Essay

In Alaska, there is oil that the United States could use. Even though it only has enough oil for 6 months at our consummation rates, I think we should drill for it because of our current dependence on foreign oil. It would be much cheaper for us to drill there; however, the environment over in that area could be ruined if we drill there. Also, if we drill for those deposits, we could be ruining some people’s homeland.

If we were to drill for the oil in Alaska, it would be cheaper for the US because we wouldn’t need to buy as much oil from foreign countries, helping the US with its trillion dollar debt by bringing in 4.2 billion dollars after 5 years of drilling. It would also create many jobs for US citizens, but it would be hurting the environment.

Drilling in the ANWR would mean hurting the environment. I believe it should depend on what the people of America want to do. Drill for the oil and destroy the environment, or don’t drill for it until later years. It would depend on what the Alaskan people and the US citizens want to do.

I really don’t think that Alaska can stop the US government from drilling forever. I think that eventually the government will overrule Alaska's attempts to stop the drilling from occurring. The US and Alaskan citizens probably won’t agree on drilling, but the US has a remarkably larger population than Alaska does, and we will probably end up drilling in Alaska.

If/when we do drill for the oil in Alaska, I will not fight it because we will need that oil to get by further on in the future. That is why I think we should drill for the oil in Alaska. 

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