Friday, November 18, 2011


          The book Milkweed takes place during the time of the Holocaust. The main character is a little boy named Misha that has lost his parents. Later, a boy named Uri takes little Misha under his wing and teaches him how to survive on food he steals, but tells him only to take what he needs. Uri is a mysterious character with a questionable past, but he has a good heart.
            Uri is the second character you meet in the book. He seems to be around 13 years old. He is a child that hates the Jackboots/Nazis. When he first meets Misha, he seems a little… odd. He seems like he doesn’t like the guys, but he hangs around with them anyways. He slowly leaves for longer and longer periods of time because he is doing work for the jackboots, but he still cares for Misha.
In this book, you learn that you are lucky to have what you do.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Big Henryk

"Yes," I said. I can't really say anything else. I don't know why. Its just, whenever I try to say something, all that ever comes out is "Yes." I can say other things too, but when the guys ask me questions, all I need to say is yes. If I ever need to say something else, all i really say is something simple like "Himler coming," instead of " Himler is coming to kill us all!" I know i have a disease, but I don't know what it is called. If it is fatal, it doesn't matter, we're all going to die of hunger, or get hung like Olek anyways.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


If the world was perfect, what would it be like? I think the world would be a terrible place. There would be no life lessons to learn, or anything that would be obtained through hard work. Without work, no one would have any life experience, or fun. Without life lessons, we would all make wrong choices and we would never choose the good path in life, I mean, nobody would really move at all because they would get whatever they wanted. I would hate that life because in my life, I am learning what is most important In life, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Do I love my country?

I don't even know how you could ask me that. Of course I love my country. I am proud of my country, but I am not proud of some of our countries' leader's decisions. I would protect my country with my life if I had to. I don't care about what anyone says, I believe that this country Is the best country in the world, no doubt about it. Our economy is going down the drain, but I don't care.

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Giver


What would you do if people in your city were getting killed just for being different? Well, when that happens in The Giver, it is called Release. I think that the idea of Release is just revolting.

I think that it is revolting because it is just killing someone for a really dumb reason. Release is when they eject a type of liquid into a person, and then the liquid kills them. I think that it is bad because just because someone is different or has problems, they still deserve to live, not to get killed. If people around me were getting killed just because they were different, I would probably take everyone I love and take some food and some other supplies and run away with them and never go back or look back.

I think that if there was a city like that, no one would want to live there. I know I wouldn’t.

Friday, October 7, 2011


As Bruce breaks the window, he hears sirens.  "Oh no! The cops!" He shouts.  He starts running further into the hospital. He is so drunk, he doesn't even know where he is. He hears the cops running down the hall. He opens a supply closet and dives in and closes the door. They run by. He slowly opens the door. They're gone. So he thinks. They start running back and see him. He starts running and there is a bed in front of him. He starts pushing it while he is running away. Then, he hops on for the ride.

Friday, September 9, 2011


As he slowly falls into a deep slumber, his eyes sees millions of little white dots.  Stars.

Stars always amazed this little boy. He knew, that some day, he would travel away from this world, and see what they were, what they looked like, where they were, and, most of all, see if he could become one himself.

After what seems like an eternity, he fell into a life of light and passes away, as another white dot is formed in the sky.