Friday, November 18, 2011


          The book Milkweed takes place during the time of the Holocaust. The main character is a little boy named Misha that has lost his parents. Later, a boy named Uri takes little Misha under his wing and teaches him how to survive on food he steals, but tells him only to take what he needs. Uri is a mysterious character with a questionable past, but he has a good heart.
            Uri is the second character you meet in the book. He seems to be around 13 years old. He is a child that hates the Jackboots/Nazis. When he first meets Misha, he seems a little… odd. He seems like he doesn’t like the guys, but he hangs around with them anyways. He slowly leaves for longer and longer periods of time because he is doing work for the jackboots, but he still cares for Misha.
In this book, you learn that you are lucky to have what you do.

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